1.  First and most obviously, welcome to my new blog design!!!  Yippee!!  I was so excited to discover that there was a new version of my blog design out there for me to buy.  Like I didn’t have enough of a list of things I wanted to purchase, someone had to inform me of THIS.  But I did it because oh my gosh, is it SO much cooler.  I mean I was happy with what i had before, but this, WOWZA.  Of course the parts of it I love the most you can’t see because it’s on the admin side, but trust me, it’s awesome.  Hopefully you all like it, too!  Take a while, look around, check out the tabs, the collapsible comments, etc.  And look for cool new features like the ability to do sneak peeks in a lightroom or slideshow format.  Lots of goodies.

2.  I might still have two spots in my Get Manual Workshop left so if you want in, just let me know!

3.  There are five days left to save up to $400 on your next session!!  See HERE for details.

4.  I just ordered nine canvases for my display at Bellani Maternity last night!  They should be in at the end of next week and then be up.  It took me FOREVER to decide what images to use but I am very happy with the way it turned out.  Some people will definitely recognize their pretty little faces in there.  😉  I’ll definitely take a picture when they are all in and up.  Anyone want to come and help me hang them?

5.  One shot from my last newborn session that I loved but didn’t share here…I can rarely get this pose with a newborn but every once in a while (okay, this was my third time only) I get it.  Look at that precious little face!

6.  I admit it.  I have joined the ranks of snuggie owners and I am in LOVE.  I put it off for the longest time.  I made fun of it.  I made fun of people who had one.  But then I started talking to people and friends who had them and they said how great it was.  Where my desk is in my house I am right near a radiator but am right next to a window so there are many times I get chilly, especially because we try not to jack the heat up and save on bills.  So my wonderful husband ordered me an SU snuggie for Christmas and it arrived last week.  (Nolan immediately declared upon opening it that he wanted one too!)  It is wonderful.  It is warm and cozy and awesome to lay around in, especially when not feeling good.  And of course, it is an SU snuggie which makes it even more awesome.  Now I will NOT be going bar hopping in it as the commercial suggests (plus I can’t remember the last time I actually bar hopped??).  But I will be wearing it around the house.  And editing in it.  And if you come to the house to pick up an order, I can’t guarantee that I won’t be wearing it.  But I solemnly swear that I will not leave the house with it on.  😉

7.  I selected my first three photographers for interviews and am SO excited to get them on here 🙂  They are some of my favorites.

8.  I’m working on some examples of bad photography for both my workshop as well as a post and let me tell you, it’s HARD to be bad!!  I keep intentionally doing things to photos and my brain is screaming at me to “fix” them!!  Makes it tough.

9.  I might have mentioned it, but I am having a looooong awaited date weekend with my husband this weekend.  The kids are off to CT to stay with the in-laws, we’re going to Boston Friday night for the Harry Potter exhibit (yes, we like it, if that makes us dorky so be it.), a spa day for me Saturday, have dinner reservations for Saturday, diner plans for breakfast Sunday, and (though it goes without saying) plans to SLEEP IN.  I have a session Friday morning but then I plan to do nothing.  Sorry folks, no posts.  I am disconnecting.  Can you really blame a girl though?

10.  Not to end on a serious note, but I wanted to touch on Haiti.  The devastation in Haiti has been overwhelming to see on TV.  I watched the 60 Minutes story on it the other night when my parents were in town and I almost didn’t make it through.  Some of the images and footage that they showed was just unbearable.  It breaks my heart to know that this is going on in the world.  So what have you done to help?  Have you donated to American Red Cross or Care.org?  We donated to the Red Cross (easiest way ever – text HAITI to 90999 and it will add $10 to your next cell phone bill).  Another very easy way – buy the Hope for Haiti Now CD off of iTunes.  I bought it the night they did the telethon, mainly just to have Justin Timberlake’s recording of Hallelujah but I have found it to be absolutely amazing, especially Stevie Wonder singing Bridge Over Troubled Waters (though I am a sucked for anything S&G).  And at only $7.99 you are supporting a great cause (100% of the proceeds go to relief efforts) and you get 23 amazing songs.  I am actually listening to it right now as I type this – which has been perfect for this super dreary and incredibly rainy day.  By the way – that telethon has already raised $58 million dollars and it’s still growing.  Isn’t it INCREDIBLE to see what can happen when people come together for a single cause?

That’s it for this week!  See you tomorrow 🙂