On Twitter every Friday there is this great movement called FollowFriday.  It is where you can recommend in your “tweet” other people that you think your followers should follow.  So I’m doing that up blog style.  Along the lines of my photographer interviews, I plan to feature a few different people that *I* follow and blogs that I find interesting.  Since most of them deal with arts and lifestyle things I figured some people on here might like them too.  🙂

Wayyyy back when I was in college at Syracuse, one of my sorority sisters was Jennie Schaeffer.  She was an amazing artist back in school – one of those people that just made you so jealous as you sat there trying to sketch, well, anything.  Since college she has gotten married, had an ADORABLE little boy and opened her own studio which I think is just SO cool.  She has two businesses in Newtown, NJ – Traillworks, which is her studio and art Gallery and a second business – Wedding Cake Portraits which is exactly what it sounds like.  Amazingly *beautiful* oil portraits of your wedding cake.  Some people buy them as surprises for their spouse for anniversaries and other people buy them just to commemorate their wedding.  If I had any pictures of my cake I’d have her do one of mine!!

You can find her at the following locations:
Wedding Cake Portraits

And very cool, right now until February 14th, anyone who becomes a fan of Wedding Cake Portraits here on Facebook will receive a $75 credit towards a purchase!!  I love that she is doing this – what a great way to get a custom oil portrait.  Anyone who appreciates fine art and painting will LOVE Jennie’s work.  So check it out 🙂