If you follow my work, you probably remember THIS sweetie-pie newborn from a few months ago

Well this is what the gorgeous Miss L. is looking like nowadays – five and a half months later!!

I got to spend Saturday morning with her and her parents.  I had very specific ideas of what look I wanted for these photos before I even went into the session — I knew mom and dad’s bedroom had a basic white duvet cover with a beautiful wall color and I wanted to keep the pictures very simple, hence the minimalist approach (and no clothes!)  We did the majority of the photos in their room and then a few in her gorgeous nursery.

This is just a *wonderful* age to photograph.  Babies are old enough to sit up on their own (some times longer than other times 🙂 ) and are SO attentive to the world around them.  They aren’t yet afraid of the giant camera, they don’t have stranger anxiety and are SO expressive.  Next to newborns, this phase is my absolute favorite!!!   And Miss L was just a dream to work with.  So unbelievably cute – I  could have stayed there snuggling her all morning 🙂