I am very fortunate to be part of a wonderful national message board of women, all of whom are interested in photography.  I have met many of them over time and one of them that I was lucky enough to meet was K.  Although we had “known” each other on the board for almost two years we first met in person two months ago when she was about eight months pregnant with twins.  I knew that I would be in the CT area when she was due so I practically forced her into letting me take their photos…   I got there when D. and R. were all of ten days old, and they were a dream to work with!  I have only done one other set of twins so it was SO MUCH FUN to do another set!  They were pretty healthy at over 8.5 lbs each so that made it easy to get some of these shots.

This is a much larger share than normal but look at them!!!  How could I not share???


My first favorite




Brotherly love


My other favorite



Pat on the back


Sleeping angel

Very proud and very cute big brother 🙂
Big brother