You never know who are you going to take pictures for when you start a photography business.  You have no idea who will come into your life for the first time, or who will come back from your past.  I love this aspect of my job, just absolutely love it.  I meet so many new people and make new friends.  I see old friends in new lights.  And sometimes I reconnect with people from a distant past in ways I would never have expected.  Such was the case with Liz and Sean.  Liz was Matt’s first true love when they were both at UConn.  But as most college romances go, they went their separate ways and they grew up and fell in love with other people and got married (yay for me! 😉 ).  And then years later, Sean called me up to do some newborn photos for his wife as a gift from him.  🙂  Turns out, thanks to Facebook, she had found my work through Matt and was a big fan.  So last Thursday, I packed up my car and went off to Connecticut for their newborn session with seven day old baby J.

Now you would think that it might be uncomfortable, but it wasn’t in the slightest bit.  Liz was as sweet (and completely gorgeous) as I remember from the first time I met her and Sean was just awesome.  (I have tried to think of different words for him, but cool and awesome are the only ones that seem to come to mind.  Just a really great guy.)  I had a wonderful time with them and J. was just about as perfect as perfect can be.  And for the second day in a row, I had a newborn that was 100% perfect.  I put on hats, I took off hats.  I turned him, lifted him, moved him, he never made a peep.  And when he did wake up, he was the most relaxed, happiest baby I think I have ever possibly seen.  He would peek his eyes open, take a look around and give this half smile and snuggle in.  (I think it was my new blanket – maybe it’s even more comfortable than it looks!)  He even let me take him outside.  While we waited with baited breath for him to wail away and I snapped quickly, he was perfectly content.  So I finally got some outdoor newborn shots, including one of my favorite newborn family shots.  EVER.  You can just see in the family shot how much Liz and Sean absolutely adore their new little boy and what a perfect little family they make together.

So Liz and Sean, it was so great to see (and meet) you.  I hope it was everything you wanted it to be, I know it was for me 🙂  Enjoy your sneak peek!