1.  Okay, okay.  It’s late.  I didn’t post anything today 🙂  But I have good reason.  Today would have been the day that I posted my photos from my Jane Goodall shoot.  However, for one, I took over 600 photos that I am culling through.  And for another, I have to edit them.  And for a third, they have to go to the Jane Goodall Institute to be archived first before I can share them.  But I will share them when I can.  It’s just going to be a while.  🙂  In the meantime, however, I can say that it was AMAZING.  To be so close to someone who is such a legend in the scientific and animal world was incredible. I got to photograph a meeting between her and 25 specially selected zoo staff – they had no idea it was coming so that was very cool.  Then some other shots of her speaking to the gathered groups from her Roots and Shoots program in the New England area and then her speech to the public at 1:30.  It was a very long, very tiring day.  I came home and essentially collapsed.  But it was so so worth it.  She is incredibly inspiring and I highly recommend going to see her if you ever have the opportunity to.

2.  Today was Layne’s first haircut.  We decided we were tired of looking at Cousin It 🙂  The girl was, well, shaggy.  So we packed them in the car and took them to the local kid’s haircut joint, Snip-Its.  SUCH a cute place for kids.  Lots of bright colors, cute little characters, etc.  And at the end they put a piece of their cute hair into a machine that spits out a prize.  That is Nolan’s favorite part.   Nolan went first to show Layne how it works.  Layne, in the meantime could have cared less and was much more interested in trying to climb into the stroller with the baby in the next stall.  Then was Layne’s turn.  She sat there suspiciously, tried to take off the cape and was in general none too pleased.  Until the introduction of the bubbles.  BUBBLES!!!  From then on, honestly I don’t think she even knew she was getting a cut.  With Nolan’s first cut, he screamed bloody murder from the first minute the spray bottle water hit his head.  Layne – not a peep!  In the end, they gave her beautiful little bangs and pigtails with ribbons.  ::swoon::  She looks like such a big girl now.  We went grocery shopping afterward and with her sitting in the seat I swear she gained a year with that cut.  My favorite part, though, was that Nolan and Layne sat together for me and I captured some quick shots that make me melt.  There are some times you look at each other in a marriage and you’re like “Oh my God why did we have another??”   This is why.

3.    As I mentioned before I am accepting sessions through mid July right now.  No further news on our future yet but hopefully soon.  Just keep your fingers crossed for us!  🙂

Yes, I slightly cheated with #3.  But it’s late and my brain is tired 🙂  See you tomorrow!