1.  First, the third Get Manual class has filled up, yippee!  The number that I want it to be filled up to, at least.  A nice small group, I am SO looking forward to it!  Maybe this time I will take a group photo of everyone 😉

2. We should hear on Thursday this week for sure on one of Matt’s job opportunities.  Please please please.  I hate this state of unknowing….

3.  Finishing up my editing for my clients I found this photo which I ::puffy:: heart.  Baby A. was trying to eat Samantha’s chin.  Reason number #1 why I don’t have moms hold newborns during a session – mommy smell equals FOOD 🙂  But  adore this picture SO much.  We all remember those moments with our own kids.  🙂

4.  I recently got onto the Photography board of TheBump.com (no I am not pregnant, it is just a board that I visit).  And due to some pretty seemingly-silly rules (ie you can’t say if you are a pro, can’t mention your biz or recommend people) I have been asked by several people on there if I am “really Amy Ro.”  First, I think it is hysterical that they don’t think I’m really me and second it is totally crazy to think that these women from all over the country even know who I am!  How did that happen???  And to that end, I am almost up to 600 fans on Facebook.  How did THAT happen?  Where do these people come from?  I mean I LOVE it, don’t get me wrong at all, but I am just overwhelmed and totally humbled (is that the right word) at the idea of people liking my photography that much.  Or maybe it is my awesome witty writing that gets them in?  And my cute kids?  😉

5.  I am officially coming to Philadelphia for two newborn sessions on June 25 and 26.  I will have time for an evening (5:00-5:30) family session on Saturday of that weekend, *possibly* Friday night as well if I can get into town during the afternoon on Friday like I would prefer to.  Let me know if you are interested.  Please note, previous clients will be considered first for this.  I am thinking some nice downtown / Old City shooting is called for!  While I don’t miss living in Philly, I do miss shooting in the city.

6.  I am also planning some other trips.  Woohoo!  I have mentioned them earlier but have a few more details now.  North Carolina is almost settled.  We are just trying to predict when my friend’s baby will be born.  And Chicago is happening at the end of July or first week in August.  I already have a newborn and two family sessions tentatively lined up, will let you know if I open more slots.

7.  My haircut is growing on me.  It really is.  It is still too short by about two inches, but it’s growing.  And it will certainly be cooler when I am in warm temperatures chasing after small children!

8.  Lest you think my child is always happy and always poses perfectly for me.  She is working on perfecting her two year old stink eye.  At 16 months of age.

9.  I am thinking about designing new marketing materials.  I had coffee with my friend Heidi from Heidi Hope photography last week (week before?) and her marketing materials are just gorgeous.  They gave me marketing materials envy.  Big time.  (And she has assistants!  I have assistant envy, too.  Nolan doesn’t count.)  Right now I do so many things “green” that I have nothing pretty to put in people’s hands.  Well, I do, I have my wall display guide, but that seems to keep getting lost in the children’s toy room….  So I might be looking at a new marketing materials project.  And that means shopping for templates online.  It is a sickness that they don’t tell you about when you become a pro.  There are always goodies, always *things* that you need.  Templates, lenses, actions, programs, hats.  Too many things to count.  The hidden secrets of being a pro…

10. Are you thinking ahead to Father’s Day yet?  I am.  Matt and the kids did a nice job for me which okay, honestly I wasn’t expecting.  My husband, whom I love to death and is my best friend in the whole world, is the man that stops at the gas station on the way home from work the day that a card is needed.  Or creates an excuse to go to the grocery store the day of the occasion.  This is the man who wrapped up and gave me for Christmas something we had bought at the store together a few weeks earlier.  You get my drift.  So I don’t expect much in terms of special occasions.   But they did a very nice job.  I got to sleep in, they made me pancakes and gave me a very nice day topped off by one of the most delicious steaks he has ever made.  🙂  So that brings me full circle.  Are you thinking about Father’s Day yet?   If so, I am trying to come up with some cute little packages to do.  What better than pictures of you and your kid(s) to give as gifts?  I am thinking something along the lines of a day of mini sessions.  Or a weekend.  Stay tuned!