I did one family session while I was down in North Carolina and it was for a fellow photographer.  It makes me nervous to photograph other photographers!  Really, it does.  This is something I need to get past however, especially considering I might be doing five photographer families when I am in Chicago in a few weeks ::faint::.

Anyways, back to my point.  I met up with gorgeous Amy and her family for some photos in the Arboretum in Greensboro.  My husband tried to tell me that we had been there before when we lived there but I completely forgot about it until I drove by on location scouting with my friend.  It was so beautiful and Amy dressed her family perfectly and the lighting was gorgeous.  It’s such a shame I have to work in such horrible conditions.  😉  By the way, if you have been following me for a while, you might recall that Amy was the lucky duck that a whole bunch of us photographed last fall when we were in the Outer Banks for our get together.  You can see that post HERE (still one of my all time favorites).  Well, she came back for more this time!  She has already seen these, and more, but I wanted to share here as well.