Stickers.  Stickers are SO much fun.  As any parent knows, there comes a period of time where stickers rule the house.  They appear everywhere – my kids enjoy putting them on their bodies and all over books.  Sometimes they make it onto the floor which is not so good as we usually only find them a few days later when they have become permanently adhered and we need to use a scraper.  But I digress.  Stickers are AWESOME for little kids.  Layne just discovered them and has a slight obsession with putting them on her elbows (probably because that is her newest body part she can say) and her belly under her shirt.  AND she discovered that in the back of Nolan’s books there are sometimes a few pages of stickers.  She has been sick recently and, like most great mommies (HA!), I have been letting her do pretty much anything she wants as long as she is happy.  The other day it was sneaking Nolan’s book out of his room and letting her go to town getting the stickers off of the pages and putting them on herself and then the book.  Just a few quiet minutes of pure happiness for my baby girl 🙂

Just don’t tell Nolan half of his stickers are missing.