Remember when you were in middle school and you would get asked if you “Liked Johnny” or if you “LIKED liked Johnny?  There are some clients I just adore.  I will admit it.  I have my favorites.  I do.  (And I think that anyone who says they don’t is lying.)  That doesn’t mean I like my other clients less at all, I just have…people I LIKE like.  The C family is one of those families.  One of my first clients here in RI, I met them over a year ago to do family pictures of their little girls.  You might remember them…

March 2009

And September of 2009

They must have like liked me as well because on Sunday we met up for some family pictures once more.  It was awesome to see how the girls have grown and have gotten even more beautiful.  I actually did not recognize them at first when I saw them walking in the parking lot at Borderland State Park because I thought that there was no way they were that big – but they were!!  Sweet little S. turned 2 the day of our Session and A. is a totally adorable firecracker of a five year old.  So many times during this shoot and in looking at the photos after I kept thinking “this picture is TOTALLY five.”  Or “this is SO what a two year old is.”  It’s just those ages.  Those awesome, fun, adorable ages.  One on the verge of being a supermodel posing and one not quite ready to let go but so wanting to be like her big sister.   🙂  We had fun traipsing all over Borderland – even hitting some areas I had never made it to!

Mom and dad it was so great to see you guys again, enjoy the sneak peek!!  And I TOTALLY blame you (nicely) for our having tacos for dinner that night!