Simply adorable.  That is all I can really say about baby A. who came to visit me for some photos last Saturday.  Six months old and an absolute DELIGHT.  Seriously, I was telling her mom that I keep smiling when editing these pictures because I see that gummy happy crinkled up grinning face staring back at me from the screen.  Six to eight months is just about the best age EVER to photograph, outside of newborns.  They can sometimes sit and unless they are sick or cutting teeth are freaking adorably perfect.  Babies at that age love you, they love the camera, they love their family.  They love silly noises, dancing, everything.  And they give the best smiles and baby giggles.  You get the picture.  Saturday morning was filled with a whole bunch of that from this tiny brown-eyed beauty.  We had a fun time traipsing around World War I Memorial Park in Attleboro even Gracie the little family pug came along.  Normally I don’t show family images in case people are keeping them as a surprise for family at holidays but I do so love the one that I am showing here.  And besides it’s not the *whole* family because Gracie isn’t in it. Right??  😉  M. family it was awesome to finally meet you – enjoy!