When first contacted me a few months ago for this session, we talked about setting up a family shoot while they were down from Boston on vacation in July. Then all of a sudden it was July.  In a snap, the time had flown and we were ready!!  (How quickly the time is going is the subject for a whole separate post – craziness!)  The M. family met me at Colt State Park for their session this past Tuesday morning and we walked all over and up and down some of my favorite spots and some new ones as well.  Little A. was a total trooper as the weather got hotter and hotter – in fact I think she would have outlasted the three of us if she had had her choice!  We sang songs, we did bubbles, we had a great time.  🙂   Thank you for making a session with me part of your vacation, guys, and I’ll be in touch soon!!!  🙂