There are some clients you just immediately hit it off with.  And when mom and baby greeted me at the door and the first thing he did was give me a huge, gummy, double-chin, drooly smile I knew I was in for it.  (Doesn’t hurt that mom is a Steelers fan.  We Steeler fans must stick together here in Patriots land.)  We had a great session and mister L was just about as perfect as perfect can be.  He gave me all sorts of facial expressions, tons of smiles, lots of drool, lots of chub – lots of everything a girl can hope for.  🙂  I was saying yesterday that I am seriously going to be depressed when I am done with this session because every photo is making me smile!!!   I was so great to meet you D family!  He is absolutely perfect (as long as you raise him to be a Steelers fan).
