My last session last week found me catching up with a family I just adore.  I first met them last year when I did a crazy back-to-back-to-back session day for them and two other families.  Loved these guys!!  The kids were just too cute and in 10 months, they haven’t changed a bit!  Except gotten bigger.  Much, much bigger.  We kept it really simple – around their house and yard.  So often we (families and I) try to do fun, different, cool locations.  And sometimes the house is really the best.  The kids are comfortable and happy and mom and dad are more relaxed.  We had a great time being super silly – including me sporting a sparkly pink Aurora tiara for a good portion of the shoot.  😉  Grandma was in town visiting so we even included her in some shots – three gorgeous generations!!  Enjoy P family – it was so great seeing you again!!

And just because I literally gasped when I saw it – check out dad’s AMAZING wine cellar (which I very happily took pictures of for him)!!!  I could live quite happily curled up in one of those boxes!