One baby is fun at a session.  Two is really really fun but really challenging.  When mom called me for this next session, I admit, I was a little bit nervous.  A family of four with nineteen month old twins and at the end of November outside!  So many things could have gone wrong with this shoot.  But it all came together beautifully.  And I mean ALL.  The weather was stunning.  November 20 and it was 61 degrees and sunny.  The family – absolutely gorgeous.  The kids – adorable and so so well behaved and just so stinking CUTE.  The hand-knit sweaters on the kids – perfection.  It was seriously so much fun.  And never in one session have I had as many family photos as I came away from this session with where everyone is looking!!   As an added bonus I also definitely got my cardio workout in.  😉  We met up at Lincoln Woods for my first time shooting there – an absolutely fabulous location!!  The family took me all around and showed me the good spots.  And we did the usual Amy Ro session things until the sun set – sang lots of songs, quacked like a duck, jumped up and down, said the word “poop” a lot.  😉  All the good stuff.  But clearly, it paid off.  😀