That’s right, it’s time for another class!  It’s been over a year since my last one and since I’ve had a few people ask, I figured, sure!  Why not one more class before the baby comes?!

Major Details:

Do you have a DSLR camera?  Would you like to learn what goes into taking a good photo and how to get OFF of auto?  If so, my “Get Manual (2014 Edition)” workshop is for you.  You will learn about what goes into taking a photograph with your camera – from how to create pleasing compositions to aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how they work together to form the “exposure triangle.”  You’ll also learn a few things about lighting your subjects.  Please note I will NOT be teaching you how to portfolio build or any other aspect of business.

Will you come out of this shooting like a pro?  Not at all – that takes years of hard work and practice.   But will you learn WHAT goes into a photo?  Definitely.   This mini-workshop is limited to under 10 participants so it will be a nice small intimate learning environment and you will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions.  Each participant will receive a copy of notes to take home with you along with some other handouts .

WHO is this workshop for?
Moms, dads, anyone who wants to learn the basics of taking a decent photo.  This is designed for beginners to digital photography and SLR cameras.  Any photographers who are currently skill or portfolio building or in business are not allowed.   (And besides, if you’re taking this class you shouldn’t be in business!)

WHAT are the requirements?
You must own an SLR camera – a camera with interchangeable lenses.  You do not need to have a bunch of lenses, but you must have the ability to change lenses.  No point and shoots.  You should also have a manual for the camera that you can bring with you to the class.

WHERE will it be held?
My house in northern Cumberland, RI.  The address will be provided to attendees.  Please note we do have a cat in the house so if you are allergic to cats it would not be a good environment for you.

HOW much does it cost?
The cost will be $200 per participant.

WHEN will it be held?
Saturday, February 22, 2014 from 10:00-3:00.  Light refreshments will be served.  The deadline to register by is Saturday, February 15, 2014.

Please contact me at to sign up for the workshop.  There are only ten slots for this class and your spot is reserved when your payment is received.  I will have a waiting list for those who do not make the first group.