I realized when editing these photos that I have now had three “C.” families each with three kids for my past three sessions.  They say things happen in threes, right??  I guess this is living proof of it!  I met my most recent C. family at Roger Williams Park last night for some family photos in the beautiful evening light.  This was a little more nerve-wracking however, because mom is also a photographer.  It’s always harder to shoot for another photographer – it’s like the pressure doubles for some reason!!  Thankfully I had nothing to worry about.  It went great – three gorgeous kids, gorgeous mom and dad, gorgeous surroundings, really how could it go wrong???  W., C. and A. did definitely give me a challenge as any three siblings will but after working on it for a while, singing plenty of silly songs, dancing, all of my normal tricks, I managed to coax some smiles out of them.  Some of my favorites…

“If You’re Happy and you Know It” can work wonders!  (By the way, K, no swaps needed!!)



Check out the eyes.  All three kids had the most beautiful eyes!

