So no client work today, though that is coming.  As well as another episode of What to Wear.  And a Ten on Something.  Today, though, you get my Laynie-girl.  She has sprouted two more teeth (thank GOD that is over, she was pretty miserable and unbearable for such a cute little thing).  And she has started pulling up and cruising on everything.  She walks clear across the room, and quickly, if she is holding someone’s hands and will do laps with her push toy all by herself.  Have I mentioned she’s not even 11 months yet??  Her brother didn’t walk until 15 months so this is quite the change for us.

Anyways, back to the point.  I brought both of them out for some photos the other late afternoon.  My idea was to get Christmas card shots and gift shots.  My children apparently had other intentions for our time together, though I did get a few good ones.  This was my last shot of our 15 minute session.  Yes, you read that right – they gave me 15 whole minutes.  Really, Nolan gave me two, but she couldn’t move too well in the grass so she had to deal with me.  If you’ve been here before, you’ve seen her hair.  Her wild, crazy, untamed hair.  I discovered, however, that in the setting sun it takes on a whole new life.   I love this little chunkamunk cutie SO much. 😀  Crazy hair and all.
