I love family sessions.  I love them even more when it’s a previous client family’s family (follow that?).  The aunt of the adorable twelve weeker I featured earlier this week contacted me for a session for her family and with a last minute cancellation from another client, I got to go out to their place in Hingham for an afternoon-into-evening shoot this past weekend. Big brother B and big sister S were both napping when I got there but that meant I had time alone with this cutie pie to start – sweet little baby R. all of five weeks old and perfectly adorable.  (Think – that means two grandchildren for this family within eight weeks AND sisters pregnant at the same time – how awesome is that!)  I mean look at this – usually I pose newborns and infants a bit but he did this all himself.


Seriously, SO precious.  After a little while big brother B. and big sister S. woke up and came down to join the family.  What followed was climbing on rocks, playing on a swingset, racing cars down slides, kicking around a soccer ball.  It was so much fun!!  Even Calvin, their golden got into the mix with us.  Poor guy didn’t understand that I couldn’t throw his duck toy while I was taking photos though so I’m not sure he was my biggest fan.

Meet big brother, B., four.  Totally close to my heart as he is just about two months younger than my son.  And totally the same likes.  It proves that boys at four have universal likes – cars, Lightning McQueen, superheroes.  And he had the most delicious laugh.  This was the start of it.  Pure, true laughter.  Love it.


And big sister S., almost 2.  Although she didn’t give me a ton of smiles she did throw a few my way and was all sorts of comfortable with me when I was leaving 🙂  But the serious portraits are nice too – look at those eyes!!  She was just so beautiful.  Heck, the whole family was!


Thanks for letting me into your lives, guys.  It was such a joy to spend time with all of you 🙂



