I got to photograph sweet, gorgeous, perfect Baby E this morning.  You may remember her mama’s maternity picture HERE.  Baby E arrived just a few weeks early and at 8 days old was absolutely perfect from head to toe.  (And a complete dream to work with!!)  She was so teeny in my hands, I found it impossible to believe that both of my children were ever possibly that small, even though they were both actually even smaller.  Mom had a particular request for a shot with angel wings and went out and bought some of her own when I told her I didn’t have any.  I know she was really looking forward to this shot so I couldn’t make her wait.  With the curtains and the lighting and the blanket and everything all together, it just looks, well, angelic.  🙂

More to come later, but for now just this one. I hope it is everything you imagined, M.
