When mom first contacted me about doing this session I’ll admit I was excited.  Ten and eight year old brothers.  I do some older kids, but not too many; the bread and butter of my business are the newborns and the little ones.  But ten and eight?  Whole new world for me!  I am not even sure what ten and eight years old IS yet – my son just turned 6!  All I know so far is Diego, legos, Epic Mickey and Penguins of Madagascar.  Okay so *maybe* I was worried a teeny bit…  See — that communication and relationship between a photographer and their subject is really key.  If they don’t like you, it is just not going to work!

Thankfully, these two boys and their mom made it beyond easy for me!!  We met on the campus of Moses Brown where both boys attend school.  Turns out there is this absolutely gorgeous college-like campus setting right on the East Side of Providence.  (I admit, I had no idea!)  But being on their home turf, they were definitely a little more relaxed (until they saw someone they knew! ;)), plus they knew some cool spots – always helpful!  Although it was definitely different not having to sing Elmo’s World or quack like a duck, they were truly delightful.  They were goofy and adorable and serious – all things to look forward to when my own boy reaches that age.  🙂  SO without further ado since I know mom is really excited to see these, meet the K brothers.

It was so great spending the afternoon with you guys, I’ll be in touch soon!!