Five years.

Five long and very short years.  Today, you, our first baby, turn five.  I just keep saying it over and over.  Five.  Five.  FIVE.

I mean, how is it even possible?  Where did this come from and how did it happen?  Weren’t you just born?  Weren’t we just planning your first birthday party?  We looked down and stopped paying attention for a little bit and you grew up.  You have lost all vestiges of baby.  You are full blown BOY now.  It seems like every day, I want to freeze you in time just as you are.  You tell wonderful and nonsensical jokes.  You love Scooby Doo, Penguins of Madagascar and CyberChase.  You read – you devour every book we bring home and finish chapter books in less than a day.  You are doing math and writing, you are speaking more and more Spanish (which I love by the way).  You make up songs all of the time and are so incredibly creative.  You will dance until you can’t stand up anymore.  You run around the block because you can and occasionally get on the bike, though you are still scared of falling off.  You can pump on the swings and get yourself super high and go down the biggest slides at the park.  You love rain puddles and ask when it’s going to snow because you already have plans for snowmen.  You hum and sing Christmas songs all of the time.  You love the beach and sand as long as you don’t have to go into the water.  You love all things cool-science-experiment related – you are fascinated to learn anything new and will tell everyone anything.  You will talk to a rock 🙂

You absolutely adore your sister, (until you don’t anymore and want her to leave you alone).  But most of the time, you adore her.  While you do still have your occasional moments, you are so kind and loving towards her and towards us.  You give hugs and kisses as frequently as tickles and raspberries.  You ask for dessert every single night, making sure to eat enough dinner that you get it.  You love tacos and mac and cheese and hot dogs and anything pasta as long as there is no sauce involved.  You love getting new shoes because you believe they will make you jump higher and new clothes because it means you are growing.  Even if you do let out some tears in the process while letting go of the clothes that you’ve grown out of.  (It’s okay, bud, I cry a little too when we pack away those too-small clothes.)  Though you are a big kid physically, you are still a gentle soul inside of that body.

I can’t really put into words everything I feel, because this birthday has been harder for me than the others.  You are a delight.  You make us laugh and cry.  You make our hearts sing.  Thank you for being wonderful.  Thank you for being more incredible than your dad and I ever imagined you would be.  And thank you for bringing more joy to our lives than we ever could have dreamed. You may be five and you may be a big boy now, but you will always ALWAYS be our baby.

(P.S.  Thanks for hanging out with me last night for your photo shoot and chasing the sun with me.  I love you.)