At four weeks old, baby S. was a little older than my typical newborns.  So I was a little apprehensive when we scheduled and I made sure to tell mom and dad that there were probably going to be lots of awake shots and not too many traditional sleepy bendy ones but that I would try!  Turns out I didn’t really need to worry at all.  She was still teeny at four weeks – right around eight pounds and once she slept, she slept really well.  To add to my joy with that, mom and dad had an AMAZING bedroom that I want to rent out for newborn shoots, especially when there is snow on the ground.  A secret to snow – it is a fabulous natural reflector of light.  Combine that with a wall of windows / sliding doors, a beautiful screen system behind the bed and a gorgeous family and you have a newborn shooting dream.  Though we didn’t get everything on the first day and I went back for more, I had an absolute ball getting to know this family.  So sweet and already amazing parents at only a few weeks old!!  Thanks for having me out twice, guys.  I am so glad we got to do it, the pictures were SO worth it!!!!