Eeeeks!!  I haven’t blogged in I don’t know how long.  But with shoulder surgery, I was pretty out of commission quite a while longer than I was anticipating…in fact I am debating writing a post called “how to survive shoulder arthroscopy with repair”  BUT today is my first day “back” so here I am, all shiny and new with some sutures and scars.  😉

Although Matteo is now almost three months old and his parents have had these images for quite a while, I am finally getting some images from his session up here!  Matteo was the second baby for this family who I *adore.*  We did his session when he was just 11 days old and he was perfect.  And mom and dad were still so much fun.  And big brother was adorable.  It was a great morning.  (And as a side note, I think I am going to do a photo of just mom and dad at every session because let’s face it, after your wedding when do you really take a nice photo of just the two of you???  It was dad’s idea for a photo for his desk – loved it!!)   <3