As you know, this is normally the part where I put pictures of my kids up for you to see.  Today instead, I just ask for good thoughts.  Nolan had to be brought to the ER last night for breathing problems.  He has asthma and when he gets a cold it goes right to his lungs.  He started getting a cold this weekend and he woke up last night and couldn’t breathe. When he got to the ER his pulse-ox was dangerously low (low-mid 80’s).  They kept him overnight and gave him nebulizers and steroids and IVs.  He and Matt are still there now and they are seeing if they can stretch out the treatments without him relapsing.  Because he is an asthmatic the energy and sense of health can just be coming from the steroid treatments.  If he can’t keep his oxygen levels up, then it’s another night in the hospital tonight.  I am headed in later today to spend some time with him.  So, yeah mine on Monday is asking for good thoughts for mine.