Hello and welcome to another week!  Hope you all had a fabulous weekend and Father’s Day.  We had a nice relaxed time.  Two sessions on Saturday that you will see on here this week and then nothing at all on Sunday.  Perfect.  Not sure what you guys do for Father’s Day but when it’s someone’s “day” here that person gets to sleep in.  (Unless it’s the kid’s “day” – they don’t get the concept of sleeping in though we really wish they would.)  So the kids and I were up bright and early Sunday morning.  Then the man of honor got up and we did nice simple presents and cards.  Some snapshots from the weekend and this morning.  The last few of Layne are not great quality because I took them with my 50m 14 which is dying 🙁  So sad.  It never was the same after I dropped it on the floor and got it repaired.

Sometimes the envelope is more important than the card.  Nolan wrote all of this himself except for the s in “this” and “because.”  He has no concept of spaces between words but we absolutely love it.  So this started the morning off:

Then it was opening presents with the kids – a picnic basket, new Red Sox hat, some dress shirts and pictures in frames for his new office

Then this morning just some fun with Layne.  How she can often be found – she loves mommy’s iPhone.  A lot.

She also discovered my lens cleaning pen in my bag.  Who knew it could be so entertaining?

I love this photo.  Not sure if it’s the cheeks, her chubby arms, the belly, just love it.