Every once in a while I stop and think, WOW.  I’m married.  With kids.  And my friends are, too.  And this weekend really cemented it for me.  Wayyyy long ago, I went to Syracuse University. I am scared to think that it was 10 years ago that I *graduated* college. Eeek. But when I was there, I was in the marching band (no football jokes, please, that was the Donovan McNabb era when we were actually GOOD) as a member of the colorguard. I was one of the flag spinners. To this day I really don’t know how I got in – I had never even held a flag. But my friends were in and they got me in.  And I got free front row tickets to football games.  That’s all that counted.  While I was in the guard I met wonderful people and became very close with several of them. One friend, Lynette was one of my best friends – Lynette, our friend Lara, and I were thick as thieves for a while there 🙂  I even have a picture of the three of us that I would love to replicate with our kids.  Because now, ten years later, we are all married.  Lynette, who I used to get ready for parties with, who I suffered through early Saturday morning run throughs with, who I discussed big life and death issues relating to (what else) boys with, she came to visit me from CT.  With HER husband.  And HER child.  We are all grown up now…

And her daughter, S. is just beautiful.  Absolutely completely beautiful.  Almost 10 months old, big blue eyes, gorgeous hair that Layne was jealous of (seriously, she kept trying to pull it and touch the barrette, someday she’ll have enough hair for a barrette as well) and SO so happy.  She kept doing this thing during the shoot where she would scrunch her face up and flap her arms up and down when she was happy.  And she did it a LOT.  Too bad the camera doesn’t capture video for me as well because it was just too cute.

It was so SO great to see Lynette for the first time in, we think, somewhere around 10 years.  While it’s a little sad to realize that we are truly grown up and will never go back to the days of Woodchuck cider, pulling all nighters and going out on a Thursday (Thursday – can you imagine?!?!!), it is even better to see the people we have become.  The adults.  The wives.  The mothers.   And to see the beautiful families that we have created with our husbands and children.  It makes it all come full circle in a way.  And it’s wonderful.






