I ended my work week last week with the beautiful little Miss P. and her mom and dad.  Mom had wanted some one year old shots so we met up at Roger Williams Park on Friday which turned out to be her actual birthday!  That usually doesn’t happen.  Usually I see the kids right before or right after, not on their birthday.  But her birthday it was so we set out for some photos of just her and a few family shots as well.  P. was (next to newborns) my absolute FAVORITE stage to photograph.  She is old enough to sit up and loves life and people but can’t yet run away shrieking from me walk.  So while mom and dad (and sometimes grandparents) helped to make her laugh, growl and smile, I snapped away.  It was, after two amazing newborns, an amazing toddler session.  She did phenomenally well and we were done in possibly record time which is always good – both for the subject and the photographer! 😉

Happy happy birthday sweet baby girl, I hope your party was wonderful!!!