My last session for Saturday was the gorgeous H. family.  Seriously, they are just all pretty, pretty people.   I last saw them two years ago when A. and L. were three and one and now they have grown into these beautiful little girls.  All baby is gone 🙂  It was so great to see them again and reconnect with the family.  This time mom and dad even got into the action which made for some phenomenal shots.  The light was yummy, the clothes were bright and colorful, the girls were delightful, all in all a really really great last shoot.

By the way, the first two shots rank among my favorite shots.  EVER.  Seriously.  Some shots just make you smile – both of these just make me incredibly happy to look at.   In fact I dare you (triple dog dare you!  Christmas Story, anyone?) to look at the first and not crack a smile and to look at the second and not feel the motion, the light, everything.




I love this because it is TOTALLY sisters.  🙂


Isn’t mom beautiful??  Dad’s not so bad either but I wanted the concentration on mom here.


Thank you so, so much H. family.  It was great to see you again.  Keep those girls close – they’re going to be heartbreakers!!!