3,516 miles, two cities, four plane trips, 12 hours of flying time, two and a half hours sitting on a propellor plane on the tarmac in the snow, eight hours spent in airports.  All in eight days.  And you wonder why the blog’s been a little slow???  😉   After three sessions in one weekend, it was time to turn around and go on back to back trips – one to New Orleans and one to Philadelphia.  Both for work – New Orleans was a photography conference called Imaging USA and Philly was to shoot a maternity session and baby shower for a client.  Now, New Orleans is going to be a whole separate post at some point here.  (I actually didn’t take lot of real photos *gasp*!)  But yesterday and today are all about Philadelphia.

A few years ago when we were living in Philadelphia, I did some head shots for Sheila for her job as a realtor.  Even after we moved, she stayed in touch with me and then a few months ago I got a very excited email from her – she was pregnant and she knew that she wanted me to do her maternity and newborn images!  I was, obviously, beyond flattered and also super excited.  Because I’ll let you in on a little secret – Sheila is gorgeous.  And she has great taste.  (If you didn’t see her maternity photos yesterday check them out HERE)   So, we started planning everything to come.  At first we were going to do a December session in time for cards, but then she asked me if I would come photograph her baby shower as well and we could do the maternity that weekend.  Although as a general rule I do not photograph parties, I will do them for former clients so I said sure and we made our plans.  A giant snowstorm, a few hours of sitting in a teeny propeller plane on the tarmac, a lost suitcase and a very late arrival later, I got to Philadelphia.  We ended up (due to my horrific day of travel) doing the maternity session the morning of her shower and then in the afternoon I arrived to shoot what turned out to be one of the most beautiful baby showers I have ever been to.  Surrounded by a ton of friends and family at a gorgeous home there was a lot of eating, talking, laughing and of course gift opening.  Even Sheila’s husband got in on it surprising her with flowers towards the end.  🙂  It was so amazing to see all of these people gathered to celebrate this little baby (boy? girl? it’s a surprise!) and the mom and dad to be.  And I love that she had me there to capture it for her.

I can’t wait for April!!