Last Thursday I had the pleasure of photographing this little guy in his house.  Picture a gorgeous house right on the water with tons of natural light, then throw in a super adorable and HAPPY baby and add in an awesome and beautiful mama who (as it turns out) grew up not far from where I did.  All the makings of a great session.  Since their house is a little on the modern side, I wanted to keep things really nice and simple and clean.  It’s really important to match what the life is like to what the photos are like (at least I think).  So we did what I refer to as “pure baby” shots.  Just baby, a white comforter, a blank wall.  Nice and simple so all the focus goes onto this super cute little guy in front of my lens.  After we did that, again keeping it really simple we went to the living room and did some shots in there.  We tried really hard to get Jake the dog into the photos, but he wasn’t having it.  Ah well.  Baby R. was having it and was rocking being cute for me!!  He showed off his super fast crawling skills and big gorgeous brown eyes 🙂  Perfect, perfect shoot.

I know mom dad and baby are getting ready for a really awesome trip so I will cut it short now  🙂  Enjoy!!!