Beach Maternity Session | 33 weeks in Rhode Island
Beach maternity sessions are very very popular here in Rhode Island. It makes sense – we are the Ocean State after all!! But even though they are popular, I still absolutely adore them. Beach maternity sessions in the summer especially are just so beautiful. As the time gets later, families begin to leave and open sand is easier to find. But most importantly, sunset changes the sky and water color as it goes. On good days we can get pink and purple skies and the colors can just be amazing. Even when we do beach maternity sessions outside of summer, it still provides a beautiful backdrop for images. Certainly there is nothing more classic Rhode Island than the ocean. 🙂
P&M chose my most popular location for beach maternity sessions – Second Beach in Newport. I love it because it offers two similar yet very different looks. We began up top at Purgatory Chasm and did some images on the wide expanse of rocks overlooking the ocean, then were able meander into the woods for some greenery images. After that we made our way down to the beach. Because they had booked my deluxe maternity session option, she was able to change into a different outfit for the beach images.  As a result we were able to add such fantastic variety to their gallery! And that sunset I mentioned earlier? It was glorious that evening. (In addition at Second you have the added bonus of the sun setting over the hill behind St. George’s school so you can also get some really beautiful backdrops to your images as it gets later. And because of the wide expanse of the beach, we can even shoot after sunset if needed!) P&M were an absolute delight to work with. They were so very in love with each other and just radiated excitement for the arrival of their baby girl.