1. I leave for Philadelphia tomorrow for a whirlwind weekend of sessions and I can’t wait!! Five family sessions and a session for a very good friend. All in a little over 24 hours. And that’s on top of driving down Friday night and back Sunday night. I am going to be one SUPER tired lady come Monday morning!! BUT I will have plenty of photos to share 😉

2. Speaking of tired, since the time change both kids have decided that 5:50-6:00 is a FANTASTIC wake up time. Before the change, they had been waking up between 7 and 7:15. I cannot be the only person with this problem can I? Darned early morning light!

3. I cannot believe I am already this.close to the end of the year!! It has just flown by. Last session is my wedding on the 28th with possibly a maternity in the first week of December. Then that’s it!

4. You may have noticed password-protected slideshow posts on the blog. This is something new that I have implemented as part of your client experience. I am proud to announce that I have joined the modern day world and partnered with Animoto. Every client will now have a custom slideshow set to music to view before they get their full proofing gallery. It’s a great way to share your photos with family and friends all over! Down the road I also plan to include video in the slideshows if I can ever get my act together.  I’ve included a nice example at the end for my #10.  No, that’s NOT cheating.

5. I got to meet with the fabulous Amy Blau, publisher of The Baby Guide, yesterday for something that you’ll see tomorrow 😉 Let’s just say I am SUPER excited!

6. Have you started thinking about photos for next year?  It’s never too early.  I will be accepting bookings for January, February and March starting in a few weeks.  The winter and early spring are the perfect time for newborn sessions.  So if you are pregnant or know someone who is, definitely keep a newborn session in mind.  And remember that each booked referral gets you a $50 credit for use at a future session for yourself!

7.  I am looking into some new product offerings for the new year that I am very excited about.  A gorgeous, high end album and some beautiful new mounting options for wall displays.  Yum!!

8.  We are going to be cat owners once again after this weekend!  When we moved here (we rent due to the time constraints of Fellowship) we were told that we couldn’t bring the cats.  SO after much heartache and soul-searching we placed our one cat with a great family and placed our other cat with a foster family.  That foster family was unable to keep her and we found out recently after more discussion that we COULD, in fact, have her.  So I will be returning from Philadelphia with our one cat.  I am SO happy.  Now we are just hoping after four months, she remembers us.  And forgives us.  And isn’t too scared of the monster baby 😉

9.  Speaking of monster baby, she has progressed from scooting to flat out taking steps.  Granted, it’s with her push-toy but she did two whole laps around the downstairs without my help today.  I was right behind her but not helping. And tonight we were walking her back and forth between us and there was one pass where she took two or three steps on her own without holding onto anything.  I am, however, in denial of that.  I refuse to believe she can possibly be that big.  Nolan didn’t walk until 14 or 15 months.  She’s 10.  Oy!

10.  Okay, I lied.  The video is #11.   Shhhhh…don’t tell,but I have a new website in the making.  New design, bigger pictures and new music.  I am slowly building it up.  Can’t wait to show it to you!!!!

11. And last, but not least, the video. Check it out! I think it comes in at about 3 minutes long but it’s definitely fun and worth watching!  Oh and the words are not supposed to match up with the pictures, I just spaced them out in there among them 🙂

That’s all for today!