Happy Groundhog’s Day!!

Let me start off by saying I don’t know that I will get to ten…hmmm….

1.  My first workshop is this Saturday and I am SO excited!!!!  I am working on getting everything together and kind of polishing it up.  The former teacher in me insisted that I do a PowerPoint to show on the big tv so those attending, be prepared.  😉

2.  As you might have seen in last night’s late post, Nolan was kind enough to let me take some photos of him for the workshop.  Every once in a while he agrees and it is such a refreshing change.  Of course there is always a catch.  This time it was that I had to take pictures of him wearing his 3-d (I think?) sunglasses from Grammy’s house and jumping up and down.  So without further ado – my kid.  I love him so 🙂  What do you think?  Stylish, no?!

3.  I am thinking that it is time for a new lens.  My 50mm 1.4 apparently has decided to stop working again at the moment (grrrr) so I think it might be time to treat myself.  Nothing fancy, but something useful.  I am thinking a 35mm lens.  LOVE that lens.

4.  I received the CUTEST knit goodies from someone in Belgium today.  (Yes, really, Belgium!)  I cannot WAIT to have a newborn little thing to try them out on!!!!  Preferably a boy this time because oh my gosh, is the one cocoon and hat set SUPER adorable.  So if you have a newborn boy coming up for a session with me, be aware that it’s coming.

5.  The display is up in Bellani!!  We went and put it up Saturday afternoon and I am so thrilled with the way it turned out.  I have a bad iPhone pic somewhere but will have to get back in to get a real picture with the camera.

6.   To make you smile:

7.  I have officially switched to a new proofing system and I am very exited!  This will only matter to those of you who have been clients with me already – it will be a different system but I love it.  Lots of great little features, nice layout and simple ordering right there on the website.  This will make it easy for you to order as well as extended family if they would like to.  Very client-friendly.

8.  My business card was featured in my lab’s newsletter!!  This goes out to thousands of people so I thought it was pretty neat.  I got an email from them asking if they could use my card design because they had come across it in their system and really liked it and then lo and behold a day later I got their email-newsletter and there it was!  And why yes, I did screenshot it.  😉  Look!  There I am!

9.  I now am standing firm at 311 fans on my Facebook page.  Thank you so much to all of you who have fanned me.  I really appreciate it 🙂  And feel free to pass me along, around, etc.  I’ll take all the word of mouth I can get out there in this big scary world!!

10.  Last but definitely not least I had an AMAZING weekend.  I tried to unplug as much as possible, though I will readily admit some iPhone usage during that time.  We started with a great trip to Boston Friday night to check out the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science (very cool) and then a casual dinner at California Pizza Kitchen.  Then Saturday I had my “day of beauty” at Elan Salon and Spa.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Heaven doesn’t begin to describe it.  I started off with a massage and the masseur gave me an example of hot stone massage.  If you need a gift suggestion for ANYONE I cannot recommend a hot stone massage enough.  Take the regular awesome massage but have them use heated flat stones to do it – and then they leave the stones on pressure points of your body almost acting like natural heating pads while they move onto another part.  AWESOME.  I told Matt that I was running away with the masseur and his hot baltic sea stones…  From there it was a brow wax, mani, pedi, new hairstyle (finally, it’s short again!) and then a nice lunch and makeup.  I don’t think I have been this pampered since my wedding.  After I was all “prettyfied” it was off to an impromptu night at the Westin downtown.  (Brought on by a broken shower at home but wonderful nonetheless.  I highly highly recommend Pricelining a 4-star hotel the night before you need it.  We got it for $60!)  We had an amazing dinner at Red Stripe up in Wayland Square (calamari to die for) and then we slept.  Did you hear that?  We SLEPT!!!  We didn’t wake up until 9:30.  No pitter patter of little feet, no midnight wakings.  Straight, solid, extra, luxuuuurrrrious sleep.  After that we went to a tiny diner near the house for a great diner breakfast (something we can’t do as a family due to Nolan’s egg allergy) and ended the weekend with some lounging around the house in the afternoon.  Totally refreshing!!!

Phew!  Made it to ten without even cheating 🙂  See you soon!