1.  I have only a few dates left between now and September 1.  Really, September 18, so don’t wait to book!

2.  If you’ve been my client recently you might have noticed that my packaging is kind of “eh”.  That is because I have been winding my way through the remaining packaging that I had from my last order – well over a year ago.  Well some new packaging is on its way to me since I am now basically out.  The first thing in yesterday were my new stickers.  Yay!!  I love stickers.  (The tins are what my lab gives with them to organize them – SO cute!)

3.  Apparently Layne likes my stickers as well.  While I was wedged between the couch on my left and the rocking chair on my right I felt a little someone pushing to get through my legs and see what I had on the floor:

4.  We are thinking of a family vacation in January or February.  The first thought was a Disney cruise before I realized that I would be in a 240 sq foot room with both kids.  Constantly.  For four or five or six days.  I nixed that.  The next thought was perhaps a Disney World vacation package.  That looks like a good option for us though we aren’t sure of Disney with a two year old.  Any other ideas for where to vacation?  It will be us, a five year old and a two year old.  Probably 4-7 nights depending on where we end up going.  Of course if it is photographically beautiful that is an added bonus 😉

5.  One from Saturday morning’s beauty – more to come tomorrow.  Is she not one of the most beautiful little babies you have ever seen?  Those eyes and cheeks!

6.  My summer part-time nanny / babysitter starts next Monday and I cannot WAIT.  I will have three days per week where I am guaranteed someone else taking care of the kids and I can work.  I can meet clients, I can do sessions, I can do editing, I can go get a cup of coffee, I can actually run my business like it needs to be run!  Yippee!!!

7.  One from the maternity Saturday evening.  This was the first from my belly casting call sessions.  Loved her!  Is the color fabulous or what?

8.  I have a few cool macro shots that I will share with you later this week on here.  Yes, it IS a spider for those of you who saw the FB page but it was so neat.  And come on – I got six inches away from it!!  That alone should make you look (this from the girl who used to clamber up onto the couch and use the floor lamp to attempt to kill the spider that was probably 1/2 inch across….)

9.  Speaking of the FB page – I have shot UP UP UP in numbers!!  As of this moment writing (Monday night) I am at 966 people!!!!!  WOW.  I do not know where they came from or how they found me and I find it so hard to believe that they all like me enough to follow me but only 34 away from 1000.  One THOUSAND people?!?!?!!!  Like my friend Lyndsay said, “It’s like xx number of people standing in a room looking at your work.”  I can’t imagine 1000.  I dreamed of getting to 500.  Now to be so close is so exciting.  No, it doesn’t mean anything but it is really, really cool.  To me.  😉  And to Matt when I make him listen to me and gush about it.  I am trying to think of something fun to do when I hit 1000 but I have no idea what!  Any ideas for me?  Maybe a giveaway that people have to respond to on the page…..

10.  I am going to be a busy lady coming up here soon!  I have a session possibly Thursday, I leave Friday for Philadelphia, back Monday then possibly two newborn sessions next week along with a toddler sessions Tuesday afternoon.  Whew!  Then I take off for North Carolina on the 4th.  Going to be a busy, busy few weeks but I love it!!!  (I must admit though, three nights in a hotel by myself with no early morning sessions is reallllllly appealing to me right now.)