Wayyyyyy back in September I headed out to Salt Lake City with some good girlfriends of mine for ClickAway – a conference given by Clickin Moms.  While definitely aimed more at the new / mom / casual photographer there were still some great speakers there to see and we had a very good time.  And of course, we were in Salt Lake.  I had never been before and was absolutely amazed by the beauty of it.  It was so crisp and clean and fresh.  Just gorgeous!  I actually didn’t bring a “real” camera <gasp!> to the conference, only my point and shoot, but since Nikon was there as a vendor I was able to sign out a new camera and lens to play with  🙂  Vacation AND new toys.  I wanted to just share a few of the images I shot while I was there.  While landscape / architectural photography is definitely not my thing it was definitely fun to do.  The downtown / temple images were all shot with my loaner camera and the outdoors shots were all with my point and shoot.  I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the place we went for our afternoon trip but it was gorgeous.  And made the “mountains” of western North Carolina that I knew from our time there look like gentle rolling hills  😉Temple1









