“What should we wear?” is one of the most common questions that I get when people are booking a session.  Well, I have put together a little online book that you are welcome to look at after you’ve booked your session, just ask if I don’t tell you first!  For those of you not booking a session, I’ve decided to start every once in a while highlighting some outfits ideas for families.  It doesn’t have to be these exact outfits (and trust me, I have expensive taste when dressing other people!!!)  but hopefully it will give you an idea of how to mix and match colors, patterns and clothes when outfitting yourselves 🙂

Today we start with one of my favorite color combinations – blue and brown.  I chose to make the little girl the focus, as will usually be the case when dressing a family.  I picked a cute dress, footless tights and flats.  Then I spun off of her outfit colors for the rest of the family.  For the son, a nice simple rugby, cords and brown shoes.  For mom, nice wide leg jeans to balance out the body, and a chunky cord blazer to hide a multitude of sins and provide extra warmth for a fall morning.  For dad, basic dark jeans and a brown cable sweater.  Notice mom and the little girl also have a pop of a third color.  This is a great thing just to add a little more visual interest.

Mom – www.bodenusa.com

Daughter – www.bodenusa.com

Dad – www.oldnavy.com, shoes – www.piperlime.com

Boy’s clothing – www.bodenusa.com, www.oldnavy.com and www.piperlime.com
