I’m not supposed to have favorites.  I know I’m not.  Really, I do know that.  But I just can’t help it.  My last three sessions have possibly been my favorites that I have ever, EVER done.  Two sessions ago it was my favorite Philly family on my last shoot there.  Last session was my ADORABLE maternity.  And today my new Providence family.  Possibly my favorite favorite, but again, I’m not supposed to have favorites.  But you can judge for yourselves.

I met up with Lynn and Jim and their GORGEOUS little girls, C. and G. this afternoon for the continuation of their photo session with my new lens.  Jim and  Lynn  own the fabulous Seven Stars Bakery here in Providence.  Since I am new, it’s new to me but is pretty well known to others in the area.  (In fact I’ve hear it’s very delicious so I am stopping in to buy some bread this week for our family vacation to the beach!) I was SO pleased that Lynn contacted me for photos of her family, especially since I am the new gal in town, the unknown!  I had an absolutely crazy fun time during their session.  We started with some photos down by the water at the beautiful Crescent Park in Riverside and then, after a quick outfit change, did some photos up in the park above the water.  There was a lot of being VERY silly, lots of funny noises, funny faces, lots and lots of moving around and LOTS of fun.  Gosh I love my job even if it does leave me a little more sore as I get older. 😉

I know Lynn already checked once for a sneak peek, so here you go!!  And I’m sharing a lot here.  Not because it’s my favorite.  No, not at all.  Because I can because, well, I own this blog. 🙂







