There are many things I have missed during the pandemic.  Obviously the personal list is long and extensive.  But the business list side of things has a few as well.  And Fresh 48 hospital sessions is a major one.  Although some clients have still welcomed me into their homes for newborn and family sessions, no one controls what the hospital allows and doesn’t allow.  And obviously the safety of their patients is of the utmost importance.  So for well over a year now visitors have not been allowed on the hospital floors.  And one of the casualties has been the itty bitty teeny baby sessions.

So today to celebrate them being back / coming back, I finally (!) am blogging one of my favorite Fresh 48 sessions.  This one took place down in South County’s maternity ward which features amaaaazing rooms with lots of light and high ceilings.  Not all of the hospitals I am fortunate enough to shoot in have this setup but here it was perfect that day.  Although normally I do these sessions within the first 48 hours after birth, sometimes, we go a little longer.  Reasons might be a c-section mama just doesn’t feel quite up to it yet, or hospital rules, or a NICU stay or a bunch of other things.  For this session baby was just over 50 hours old but still a teeny new perfect peanut.

Often people will ask “why do a Fresh 48 if I am doing a newborn?”  Let me tell you – I adore the details I can get in Fresh 48s that I cannot get anywhere else  That super wrinkled skin fresh from amniotic fluid, the hospital bracelet, the umbilical clamp, hospital blankets and bassinets, fresh raw emotions from parents.  So many things are only there for those first few three or four days that will never be a part of them again.  That is why you do them.  That is why I love them.