I would love to tell you everything that Jen and Audrey do here in Rhode Island.  But honestly I couldn’t even begin to list it all.  Let’s just say they do a LOT.  Like a LOT LOT (on top of having three and four kids, respectively).  You have seen Jen on here before, we did photos of just her a few weeks ago (in fact go read that and then you can see everything she is involved in!)  But this time we included Audrey with her in order to do some pictures for Rhody Mamas.  If you have not discovered them yet on Facebook you simply MUST.  It is the THE place to get all of the info on sales and things going on in RI and on the internet.  They just launched their website HERE and have a very active Facebook page HERE.  But since they started this and had no photos we decided to get some done for them.  (Let me tell you, between Dani that morning and these two that evening my self-esteem took quite a hit.  Such gorgeous gals!)  We hit up the Capitol building, an area down by the river and ended up in Prospect Park overlooking the city with the setting sun.  Love it!