Ahhhh love.  One of my favorite CDs (and where the title comes from) is called Love, Love, Love by a pretty unknown artist named Jess Penner.  (Soon I’ll be using one of her songs on my website yippee!)  One of the lyrics in the title song says

what I have for you is love love love
all I have for you is love
there’s nothing I can do
no, I can’t go back
to anything less than that

I couldn’t help but think of those lyrics when I was shooting Jane and Brian’s session last weekend.  I first met Jane through Twitter and a mutual friend.  She was this tiny cute little thing who was going through a not so happy divorce.  Though we were not close, I continued to follow her and read her writing (she is one of the three ladies on momgenerations.com and her writing is beautiful).  I read as she got more and more involved in running and as she met this great guy name Brian.  I followed as she moved to NYC to start a new chapter of her life, only to move back a few months later because she realized her home was here – with her family and with her Brian.  And Brian?  Well he waited for her, the entire time.

Sometimes, you never know where or when you are going to find love.  I am so, so happy that Jane found hers 🙂  So when I was looking for a couple to shoot, I chose to ask Jane if they would like to do it because I loved their story.

You don’t have to be married.  You don’t have to be engaged (and NO they are not engaged to any of Jane’s friends who saw this, it was not a secret thing that they weren’t telling anyone!).  You just have to have someone who lights up your life and makes you smile the way these two make each other smile.  I am so happy that they agreed to shoot with me because I had SO MUCH FUN.  I neeeed more people to sign up for these.  While I do love my itty bitty babies, there is something about this that just *gets* me.  Maybe it is my harlequin-romance-reading inner 13 year old.  The emotion is just wonderful.  Hmmm maybe I should look into weddings more, after all 😉  So Brian and Jane, thank you for indulging me.  For climbing into reeds, standing in weeds, sitting on rocks and leaning on walls.  For being willing to show everyone YOUR love, love, love.