Yes, I totally just made that blog title up as I was sitting here.  But hey, it sounded pretty good!  I have decided to start reviewing some past sessions that never got blogged here for some reason.  Probably the insanity of going out for shoulder surgery would be my guess.  😉  Today we are starting with one of my favorite people and families, as well as one of my favorite sessions.  Ever.  If you have followed my work for, oh, three years, you know that I have done SEVERAL sessions for Dani and Steve.  If you want to peruse some of my old work and see a whole lot of this family here is a list:

Their first maternity session:
Their first newborn session:
(Their 6 month old session with Lilly and year old session with Lilly I was doing something funky with the photos so they don’t display)
A second maternity:
Jamie’s birth (one of the most amazing things that I have ever done!):
Their second newborn session:
An eight month old session that appaers to have been lost in the transfer to the blogsite

And now, their family sesion from last Fall.  Whew.  Man do I love these guys 🙂

We met up at Crane Farm in Lincoln just about exactly an hour before sunset which I knew would provide some amazing rich saturated colors as well as some very contrasty light and dark shots with the cloud cover we had.  Dani had said she wanted a very specific look for her photos that day and had planned outfits down to every last detail.  That combined with an awesome family, some super yummy light, an amazing location and great colors…well…sit back and enjoy  🙂

Rhode Island and Massachusetts fall family photography

Family images in Rhode Island and MassachusettsMassachusetts family photographySunset family photos in Massachusetts and Rhode Island