One of the Photographer groups that I am in on Facebook had a question the other day asking to see people’s office spaces.  And it occurred to me that I don’t think I had ever shared my office on here.  So since it was looking like a bomb went off pretty good, I got to work deep cleaning tidying things up.  I even vacuumed, which my husband can tell you, never happens.  (Besides this room, I also have a big closet down in the basement that houses even more blankets, packaging supplies, lens and body boxes, extra bags and baskets, old external hard drives, etc etc.  No photos of that, however.  It’s ugly.)

A few things to know about me.  I NEED LIGHT in my life.  I hate when rooms are dark so I took the room with the most windows BUT I face my computer to the wall so I don’t get reflections.  I love to have my photos around because it makes me happy so I have lots of pictures hanging, leaning, etc.  Kind of throws other people for a loop when they walk in the house and see all of these random families on my walls.  (I do have a framed 8×10 wedding photo as well as a 5×7 of my kids arranged so I can see both without moving from my desk because as I told someone else, it’s nice to be reminded of who I do this all for.)  I am also slightly obsessed with collecting all of the air packs that come with packages – those cushiony inflated plastic things you use to pack boxes safely – and bubble wrap.  I have an entire huge basket full of it that you’ll see.  And yes, that is an extra iMac in the corner.  That is my old 24″ that needed a new harddrive — while it was getting fixed I got the 27″.  So thus, two.

Home photography office, Massachusetts Newborn Photography

My corner and armoire.  This armoire has had several lives – originally intended for my son’s nursery in Philly that had no closet and then my daughter’s room, it has transitioned into a beautiful work space!  Holds all of my newborn wraps, my packaging supplies, random apple boxes, blankets, etc and has basket storage on top!  (I do my actual packaging on the floor and/or downstairs on the pool table.  Be jealous people, be jealous.)

Home photography office, Rhode Island Newborn Photographer


More details.  My actual desktop with my lamp (I saw the colors, how could I resist it?) and computer.  The dual level desk (from Target – yay Target!) helps (in theory) to keep it clean.  The low shelf is actually a tv bench from Ikea and awesome.  Holds more packaging things and also serves as a storage / resting place for orders when they come in.  The cubes are expedit shelves from Ikea and perfect!    You can see my land’s end personalized totes – LOVE those things.  I have a boy hat bag, girl hat bag, blanket bag and samples bag.  They are *awesome* for bringing to sessions since I only do on-location work.  I also have extra cameras / collector things on top as well as more blankets folded in there and just a few of my random camera bags.  My favorite bags are what you can see there.  My baby, my Kelly Moore Libby bag in orange (great for in-home sessions) and then my Lowepro Slingshot 302AW – great for on-location shoots!  In the corner is my nana’s rocking chair.  So, so important to me and I love having something so personal there..

Home photography office, Massachusetts Photographer

And just a few more random detail shots.  Like my blanket stack and my basket o’packing bubbles.  (BTW the corkboard I love – Martha Stewart’s line from Staples – cute and cheap and functional!)

Home photography office, Rhode Island Family Photographer


So that is pretty much it!  Hope you enjoyed the little tour of my corner of the world.  🙂