I am a weeeee bit obsessed with yellow right at the moment.  Not really sure why as I don’t even know that it’s that great of a color on me.  But I just got a yellow plaid raincoat, I have my eye on some yellow wellies to go with it and I am soon going to be getting the marigold Jo Tote as a fun carry around camera bag for when I want to look pretty – not like a photographer.  😉  But yellow, I just absolutely am in love with right now.  And when it’s combined with gray and then you throw in a hint of maroon or eggplant???  HEAVEN for my eyes.  So you can imagine my delight when I found a dress on Tea Collection’s website that was not only really freaking cool but used those colors.  Be still my not-so-fashionable-and-don’t-ever-buy-anything-that’s-not-on-sale-heart.  So then I had to base a What to Wear all around the dress.  Which is SO easy to do because you have so much play with colors!!  When you start with one piece, you can pick and choose from there complimentary colors based off of that.  If it only has two colors, pick a third one that pops with it.  If, like this dress, you have three colors, then use them all on different family members.

So family members one at a time:

Mom – our favorite Boden USA model.  Pulled the grey and yellow from the daughter’s dress.  Cardigans and layering are hot right now so use it!  Plus a belt shows off a waist and gives a visual separation / indent in the photos.  Boots are Piperlime and meant in this outfit to go over the jeans.

Dad – Gap for the sweater.  I LOVED that it echoed the collar of the daughter’s dress and it is a bit more stylish (read: metro) with the piecing of the sleeves and the zip on the turtleneck.  Jeans are Levis, nice dark wash and shoes are again Piperlime.

Daughter – Dress and pointelle leggings from Daily Tea.  Love them.  Shoes also piperlime.  Not crazy about the gold but it was as close as I could find to what I wanted – that pop of yellow on her feet.

Son – Shirt from Gap jeans from Gymboree.  Shoes from piperlime – kept them a sportier style but still nice showing from under jeans so he would be comfortable – key with a kids!  There is also a FABULOUS “grunt jacket” at gap in a dark charcoal military style for boys.  LOVE.

Now to just figure out how to get that dress for Layne without my husband knowing.  Because she kinda has a lot of clothes.  But I have photos in mind!  PHOTOS!